Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Beginning :: Le Début

Writing a blog is hard.  I have a new found respect for all the people on the Internet that have become famous for it. I agonized over what to say, going to my friends for advice, reading other travel blogs online, and even googling how to write a blog.

the last resulted in a detour to pottery

My friends gave me encouraging, motivational words that pushed me forward: "lol you just ....write"  Way to dig deep.  But it worked!  

Anyways, this blog is not going to be me griping about my friends and their epiphany-inspiring 160 character texts, nor lack thereof.

It'll be about a wannabe Francophone (Hint: it's me).  I'll be going to France for an entire school year and I'll share on here everything I experience, as well as stuff I find on the internet that helped me learn French.

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