Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Books :: Les Livres

Sometimes, all the electronic devices get overwhelming.  My host dad raised a very good point this morning that I did not cross the Atlantic Ocean to live in a cabinet to stare at a glowing screen.
maybe if he'd had a computer he'd have been less angsty
So, I went out of the house to the book store, since I remembered that I had to buy some books for French class.  There aren't any Barnes and Nobles here, just small boutiques.  They're all so pretty too, so much cozier than big stores. 

I'd spend way more time in them, but I "can't" get books in France, so I'd feel guilty gawking at all the pretty parts of the store and then not buy anything.  It's just that books are too heavy to bring back to the USA.

that's not me, the books would've smushed my feet already
I'll buy used kids books for around an euro each, so I can leave them in France for my host sister.  The thing is, is that whenever I read a French book, I have to write in the English translation of words I don't know.  Annotating has suddenly become a necessity.
librarians aren't nearly as happy as my English teacher was whenever I do so
I went back to my iTouch, sorry that'd I'd ever left it, and just got a bunch of Gutenberg Project books on iBooks, since they're the only free books that seem interesting.

I'll probably come back to the USA with ye olde English and old French since I'm sure that in Literature class here, we're reading books from 200 years ago, and my English is slowly rotting from speaking French all the time.

my handwriting is becoming disturbingly flowery
Apparently that's totally normal for exchange students.  Instead of speaking English like a good American, I'm translating the sentence in my head from French first.  Seeing as how my French is an awkward jumble of gibberish (though the gibberish is more comprehensible now), you can see why my English is screwed.  My spelling was already affected before, just imagine typing family with two Ls without even noticing it.
the red squiggly keeps coming back 

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