Tuesday, November 6, 2012

La Série

In France, the grades are counted backwards.  I was incredibly confused the first week here, since I kept hearing that I was in première, and I thought that I was in seconde, but then someone mentioned terminale.

Just to explain, in USA terms:
Senior :: Terminale <- year "zero"
Junior :: Première 
Sophomore :: Seconde <-first year of high school
Freshman :: Troisième <- therefore in middle school

I thought I was going to be in the première year of high school, but here that's seconde.  I'm actually in première, which is the second year in high school.  Can you see why I was confused?
a countdown to graduation
In general, students also choose a série in première too.  I'd call it a "major" in English, if only because it serves the same purpose as a major in college.

There are three predominant majors in France: littéraire (L), scientifique (S), and économique et social (ES).  I'm in L, so now all my classes are centered around the arts, history, and literature.  It's supposedly the easiest major, but I think it's harder than S, since I can't just plug a poem into a formula and get a fantastic, analytic essay.

"wait, that's not The Psychological Effect of Accents!!"
I'd call L the artistic party major, since most of my classmates aren't really studious, and there's practically no homework.  They want to become dancers, teachers, animators, stylists, or comedians in the future.  Don't dismiss L though, it's apparently a good choice for those that want to become lawyers too.

"I learned this dance move at the party last night!"
If I were to stay in France for longer than the school year, I'd probably have chosen S, since it supposedly opens the most doors in life.  For example, someone from L can't become a doctor, but someone from S can become a history teacher if they wanted.  Science is my forte anyways. 

I was thinking about being a doctor, but coming to France made me realize that I also like travelling to different countries and learning different languages.  My host mother also told me that being in business is better for traveling, since doctors don't really get to get out much.

the baby's mouth is sufficiently foreign
Then my host dad reminded me that doctors do get to go to other countries with organizations.  Usually with Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders, to countries that are in trouble.
those are all the countries RIGHT NOW that need help
As soon as I can, I'm going to sign up and go give medical expertise to people that need it.  I mean, first I have to become a doctor.

I have no idea how I'm going to get there

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