Saturday, November 3, 2012

Egyptian Ratscrew :: La Bataille Corse

It was a while ago, but I was walking through the lobby of my high school (my friends call it the "airport" due to all the benches that are there) to get to the cafeteria.

I spotted a few of my friends playing a card game at one of the tables, so I put off eating to see if they were playing a fancy French game.

Well, you've already read the title, so you know it was Egyptian Ratscrew, and you know that they have a better name for it.

Corsican battle vs African rodents
I didn't recognize it at first, since they were playing another version.  In addition to sandwiches, and doubles, they had "addition equals ten" - basically, if there was a four and a six, you could slap it.

Joker :: Joker (such a weird word, I know)
King :: Roi
Queen :: Dame
Jack :: Valet

very important in French courts
Hearts :: Coeur
Diamonds :: Carreau 
Clubs :: Trêfle
Spades :: Pique

Card games aren't really common in France.  I don't  make this mistake a lot, but it does happen when I assume every French teenager, for example, plays cards as a time-killer when in fact, it's just a certain group of kids.

Some of my friends think that card games are for old people.  Some can't even think of three.  I wouldn't say that cards sell well in France.

not when they can print them
It was incredibly difficult to type this article.  Most likely because I haven't written for several weeks.  Maybe because my subconscious is raging at me for writing in English while I'm in France.

Ironically, I'm probably going to describe France much better after I leave it.  I have so many ideas, I just don't have the time to type them all.  At least not now.  Especially not long articles like before.

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