Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Wine :: Le Vin

I feel like YFU told me in a piece of paper that students in France were allowed to try wine for the "culture."  If not, I hope they never read this because I don't want to be shipped back to America yet.

At any rate, I wasn't binge drinking, and it was one time (my justifications).  One night, my host family had a bunch of dinner guests over and they offered to let me taste a bit of red wine.
Cost of French year = justified
I'd say they poured like 50 mL (look at me, using metric measurements), into a wine class.  Now, I tried to be all fancy and sipped it, like a lady.  

Do you remember that awful grape medicine that we had to take when we were sick with the cold or the flu or some other trivial disease that didn't require assaulting our taste buds?  I feel like now I know the cause of that terrible flavor.  Cold syrup companies are deliberately trying to get kids drunk so that we stop whining about having a fever, and - hey mommy, I can fly!

I tried to make the tiny bit of red wine last as long as I could, savoring enduring every drop, since I knew that I wasn't going to waste it by tossing it down in the drain just because I hated the taste.  I was still trying to find the reason why people can get jobs tasting wine.  

Eventually though, I just gulped it down like a shot since I got sick of it.  It burned as it went down my throat.  
them wine cows be fiery
Then my host parents just refilled my glass.  Olé! 

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